PrimeGrid GPU Task Analysis

If you have a multi-GPU computer running on, you might be wondering how to see how tasks are running across your GPUs.  It turns out that the stderr log files can sometimes provide the GPU ID that was used to produce those results.  I wrote a simple script that analyzes the run times by GPU; the script is located here:

This is a snippet from the stderr output that it scans looking for gpu_device_num:

Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: gpu_device_num
Skipping: 2
Skipping: /gpu_device_num
Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: gpu_opencl_dev_index
Skipping: 2
Skipping: /gpu_opencl_dev_index
Unrecognized XML in parse_init_data_file: gpu_usage
Skipping: 1.000000

Sample output:

Processing tasks for hostid 820440

                              run-avg  run-std  run-count  credit-avg  credit-cnt  credit_per_s
date       gpu  task                                                                           
2017-05-01 0    pps_sr2sieve    404.7     2.21         91      3371.0          43         8.330
           1    pps_sr2sieve    424.8     3.42         86      3371.0          39         7.936
           2    pps_sr2sieve    387.1     2.51         93      3371.0          38         8.709
           none llrPPS         1768.6   184.86         16       119.9          10         0.068
                llrSGS          652.5    14.17        103        39.9          46         0.061

                   run-avg  run-std  run-count  credit-avg  credit-cnt  credit_per_s
gpu  task                                                                           
0    pps_sr2sieve    404.7     2.21         91      3371.0          43         8.330
1    pps_sr2sieve    424.8     3.42         86      3371.0          39         7.936
2    pps_sr2sieve    387.1     2.51         93      3371.0          38         8.709
none llrPPS         1768.6   184.86         16       119.9          10         0.068
     llrSGS          652.5    14.17        103        39.9          46         0.061

Tasks: Processed:400, Completed:389 New files requested:37 Total time: 20.41 sec


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